Your Waste and Recycling company needs web portal technology

  Chris Williams


We’ve all become spoilt on Smart Phones, instant data, access and results. So why can’t we deliver it in business? We can by using web portal technology.

What is Web Portal Technology?

A web portal is a website that has been designed specifically to display data and information from a range of different sources. Data and information can be displayed in a variety of different ways according to the content, user and purpose. Design of the portal can help with the user interaction, utilise additional logic, create a workflow or process and initiate a transaction.

Web portal technology allows you to connect to anything and everything – technology often referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT) where data can be transferred wirelessly via cloud computing. This means that mobile, web, environmental operations & accounting software can all be deployed into the ‘cloud’. You can automate transactions from in-field to operations to accounts. This provides faster processes, increased accuracy and less time spent on data administration.

Internet of Things (IoT) Connectivity and Platform

IoT doesn’t just mean that you can connect to equipment and that is it. You need to make sense of the data, in a process and use it to inform and help with a workflow, or aid in a transaction, or deliver some intelligence so that a transaction downstream can be performed. Take on board weighing for example, capture the weight of the container and match it to the planned order for that lift, if in tolerance and what has been planned and is expected, raise a sales order, an invoice, email the customer, AND post the accounting transaction – AUTOMATICALLY. In real time. No human or interface necessary. In real time, soon as you have lifted that container. Oh! You want to raise a standard penalty charge automatically if it is overweight, you want that to appear as a pop up in customer services, so they can call, smooth it over and discuss, sure, no problem, it’s already there, in the portal.

Interface Suits Device, Application, User & Workflow

With web portal technology, you can display the data on any device. You can also take web portal software off the shelf and tailor it to your needs. For example, you can view information, take an order or enquiry, confirm a price, job or pre-acceptance process. You can connect to equipment, supply data, or create a process that enhances that piece of equipment. So, when we talk of web portals, we mean, connect to anything and everything – what ideas do you have, how web portal technology help you deliver competitive advantage through serving your stakeholder more effectively?

SmartWorld: The solution

We’ve developed a range of mobile and web apps branded SmartWorld. These apps range from waste logistics to a recycling materials focus, DriviLogix and RoutiLogix, for example. You can connect to shop floor equipment, onboard vehicle weighing, multiple weighbridges and scales, and have a Smart Bin app, BinLogix that can work in conjunction with RoutiLogix.

At ISB Global, we have future proofed our technology stack with vendors and applications that provide standardised, preconfigured processes in business management applicable to where ever you are in the world. With technology that is quick to deploy, develop and configure, and integrated using the same set of data for automation of process. Allowing you to connect to anything and everything.

To find out more about our use of SmartWorld technology contact us

See our Web Portal Technology Process Flow

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