Waste management fleet software – the considerations

  Matt Farnworth


If you run a waste management company, you will already have a fleet working hard for you. And as you grow, you’ll need to expand that fleet to manage new business. At the same time, you need to work efficiently and cost-effectively to help maintain your margins. That’s where using integrated, smart fleet management software comes in.

What does fleet management software do?

When you start your waste management business, with a small fleet, it’s easy to manage manually. Shifts, timesheets, routes and mileage can all be handled on a spreadsheet and things can run smoothly. As the business grows, however, this can become complicated and time consuming to stay on top of. A smarter solution is needed, one that can integrate all key tasks – including fleet management. Software helps you to do this by taking on those essential tasks and also covering a range of other management issues that can help you operate more effectively.

For example, well-designed software can help with:

Route planning – helping you to optimise the routes for each client, making their collection process more efficient and helping to save on fuel and staffing costs.

Accident management – keep track of all incidents within your fleet so you have a clear record for insurers, regulators and your own internal reporting

Fleet maintenance – develop a reliable schedule for maintenance and upgrade of your fleet so that you are always able to maintain your contract commitments whilst ensuring your vehicles are safe.

Fuel management – deliver great visibility over fuel use and costs. This is a significant cost to your business and being able to manage it reliably can help you to increase efficiency.

Driver management – software can also help you to plan driver shifts, routes and training. This helps with communication and clarity within your driver team.

Integrated waste management fleet software

For growing businesses, it’s important that fleet management software is integrated with other parts of the business. In fact, the software you use across your business should be completely integrated into a single waste management solution. When you use a wide variety of software packages across your business, you lose visibility and run the risk of some of those packages becoming unsupported by the original vendor – leaving you with a hole in your planning or operational capability.

A single solution, integrated across your entire business is by far the best way to make sure you are working efficiently, and that you have the visibility and reporting options you need. This helps both with your internal business strategy and planning, and with your legislative or regulatory compliance. Even better, it puts you in a competitive position for new business.

So if you’re considering fleet or driver management software – why not take a step back and see if a fully integrated waste management software solution – including fleet – is the right thing for your business? You can read more on what to consider in a waste management software solution in our handy guide.

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