CIWM Focus Group – Phase 2: The Webinar

  Matthew Gawn


Recap – What’s Happened So Far?

The CIWM Focus Group Campaign is the first set of research and promotional activities. The project is designed to investigate how the UK waste industry uses and perceives software technologies.

The project is focused on how, collectively, we can better understand industry requirements and software technologies. Working more effectively together, improving commercial efficiency, meeting zero targets and creating a sustainable, circular economy driven by digital technologies.

CIWM and ISB Global hosted the Focus Group in late November 2022 after the initial Questionnaire had been completed by a larger audience. The information from the Questionnaire and the Focus Group discussion provided invaluable intelligence. Helping to shape future activities and engagement on how the UK waste software sector work with the UK waste industry.

The Webinar – Greater Industry Engagement

The next phase of the ‘Software Technology Review & Alignment Research’ is a Webinar, scheduled for the 28th of February 2023. The online presentation and poll will release some of the key results in the Questionnaire and Focus Group. The CIWM and ISB Global team will be primarily interested in audience feedback from the findings and further hypothesis’ that will be asked.

Target Audience

The CIWM and ISB Global teams would like to extend an invite to everyone who has an interest in using, investing in and updating software within the UK waste and recycling industry. So, if you want to know more, maybe missed the first questionnaire and group discussion now is your chance to get involved.

Aims & Objectives

We’ll be taking some key answers and thoughts from the CIWM Focus Group discussion and the Questionnaire and asking for the audiences feedback via an online poll. Once completed we’ll then be adding this additional information into the Report, which is the final phase of the project.

What’s in it for me?

So far, we’ve got some really interesting and useful information on the use and perception of software in the UK waste management industry. We want to give a greater audience the opportunity to feedback from the initial Focus Group discussion and Questionnaire with input in designing software and services for future UK waste management and circular economy efficiencies.

This is your opportunity to input on what you want from software companies. So, please, subscribe and register for the Webinar to have your say.

Results – Collaboration & Closer Alignment

A great example of intelligence gathered so far is that the industry wants far closer alignment to software companies and vendors. We’ll be asking how that can be achieved and what is the best method for achieving a closer working relationship.

So, if you have ideas on how that can be achieved, please register for the Webinar on the link below.

We look forward to your input and furthering digital technologies for the UK waste industry.


The UK Waste Industry Software Technology Review & Alignment

A project initiated by ISB Global

ISB Global


Delivered by The Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM)

Chartered Institution of Wastes Management

With support from: Innovate UK Edge Scaleup Programme

Innovate UK Edge Scaleup Programme





To read more about the project, please view the brochure by clicking below:



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