Case Study: RED

“SAP, Waste & Recycling One & Smartworld has facilitated growth, streamlining of processes, acquisition and onboarding of new companies, and reporting is now automated. We have a platform to further provide digital transformation, exemplary customer service and facilitate our next phase of growth.”

~ Jon Clewes – Group Technical Director, RED Industries

ISB Global – The smarter waste manager partner

Hazardous waste management company, RED Industries, turned to ISB Global to implement SAP, Waste & Recycling One and SmartWorld mobile and web components. The flexibility of the software has helped RED Industries experience quadruple growth since implementation.


RED Industries previously operated multiple software applications with manual processes, duplication of data entry, inaccurate reporting and no integration.

New software was required that could utilise web technologies, and integrate throughout operations to radically improve downstream order processes with invoicing, accounting and banking.

Why ISB Global?

SAP, Waste & Recycling One and SmartWorld provided a fully integrated platform, delivered easy digital transformation with mobile and web apps that managed environmental legislation processes.

ISB Global is a specialist partner with an advanced technology enabled industry software platform. Offering continual support across processes, legislation, product and updates.


Since Waste and Recycling One has been implemented, RED Industries has seen transformational improvements such as:

  • Waste & Recycling One has sped up and decreased administrative work on pre- acceptance, order management, pricing, subcontractor management and receipting materials to inventory.
  • Now with centralised finance and accounting, multiple operational processes can be achieved, resulting in accuracy, speed and a platform for growth.
  • Scalable software allows for the adoption of digital processes on mobile and web-based apps.
  • RED Industries now have the software to support new processes, connect the value chain, incorporate existing processes and data, integrate and consolidate to the correct company accounting ledgers and facilitate accelerated growth.

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RED Industries

Industry: Utilities, Waste & Recycling

Products & Services: Waste collection, disposal, recycling, nonhazardous & hazardous materials

Users: 50

95% faster order processing of hazardous materials

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